NOTICE: Recruit registration is now closed. We are not accepting any new members to our Squadron until the Further Notice.

Application Process

Follow the 3 steps below to join the best Canadian youth organization!

Step 1

Attend our Open House! Our unit usually holds two open houses a year one in September and one in January. At the open house we teach you how to use the online application system, tell you about the program and give you a quick tour of unit.

Sign Up Here

Step 2

The next step after the Open House is to fill in the Online Application. For the online form please select 330 Danforth Tech as the squadron you wish to enroll in. After submitting the online application, you have to provide the Administration officer two pieces of government identification by coming into Danforth Technical and Collegiate Institue on a training night which are Wednesday from 18:30 to 21:00. One of the Identification has to be your Health Card (OHIP) and one of the following:

  • Birth Certificate
  • Canadian Passport
  • A valid identification card, with or without picture, issued by a Canadian federal, provincial, or territorial government agency
  • Step 3

    The next step is to pay the fee to the Squadron Sponsoring Committee. This year the fee is $135 and the methods to pay are below:

    E-transfer payment to ‘’. Questions about payments may be directed to ‘’.